I love D&D too! I just really wish I could play it on my own 😂 which leads me nicely to the other way I find joy - video games. I am currently playing Kingdoms of Amular, which is like D&D but for one player.

I love reading. I reinvigorated my love of fictions last year with The Lord of the Rings and I've never really looked back. Then there's cats, the Moon, tarot, trees and vampire everything. I also have a lot of happy place TV shows and films that bring me a lot of joy.

Thank you for sharing, Louise. 🖤

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Thank you for sharing your joys! Vampires were one of my special interests for years as a teenager. I was obsessed with the Anne Rice books and they’re on my list to revisit when I finish the wheel of time.

I’ve been trying to figure out how to justify a new gaming console so I can play Baldurs gate which I’m assured is just like playing dnd. I play online and scheduling can make it a long wait between sessions.

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Yes! I have seen that too but I would have to buy so much stuff in order to play it. 😕 I keep hoping it will come out on Switch because I could borrow my partners!

I have never considered playing online! I play with my family, with my partner as the dungeon master but we don’t play a lot because he doesn’t like being the dungeon master that much!

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I know what you mean, I can’t justify it for one game (I’m still playing my cousins old ps4).

I’m lucky my brother in law dm’s for us. In. Ives it was all online, but now it’s just me on a laptop at the end of the table with them sat round. It generally works ok.

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